Al Fatiha

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Alfateha Cyber-Remembrance

Remembrance @cyberspace
- is a place for Muslims to remember and offer their Al-fatihah to those who came before them, for they had lived their lives as Muslims and insha Allah returned to Allah SWT In Iman. Nothing can replace the actual human Voice reading of the Surah , but in this age and technology, taped voice reading is only 0.00000001 % effective, it is just to serve as a reminder. The Reading of Al-Fatihah – the first surah of the Al-Quran is, the greatest gift a Muslim can bestow and give to one another – in sickness, in health and in death.

Please read Al Fatihah 7 times everyday, and sedekah to ...

1. The loving memory of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W

2. The loving memory and appreciation – All the 24 major and 124,000 minor Prophets - for all their works, efforts, guidance and sacrifices.

3. The appreciation – all the Prophets Companions as well as those Muslims, fellow sojourners, Imams and all those who died in Iman, for they had lived their lives and passed on as Muslims and shown the Way .

4. The appreciation – Jibrail, Mikael and all the angels especially so those who are on duty on our left and right shoulders– for the unrelentless duty to Allah S.A.W.

5. The appreciation for all our fellow human beings – past, present and future, Muslims and non-Muslims, so that we can overcome the influences of the Iblis and his disciples.

6. In the loving appreciation to our parents – without them there would not be us.

7. Me, our individual self, so that Allah SWT gives us the strength and iman to overcome the influences of the iblis so that we can later die in Iman.

Seven verses in One Surah.

It is Allah SWT’s greatest gift to us. Encompassing the 7 layers of the Heavens and 7 Layers of Earth. But what do we make of it???
Please remember the conversation between the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW and Iblis. The Holy Prophet asked Iblis for the one thing that he feared most, the one thing that the Ummah can have and practice in order to overcome his influences. 3 times the Holy Prophet asked and 3 times he refused to answer.. Before the Holy Prophet could ask the 4th time, Allah swt ordered the archAngel Gibrael to command Iblis to answer, and Iblis answered… "IKHLAS, (Sincerity)… For Allah SWT and His Prophet Muhammad SAW."

That is the key.
Sincerity in all manners and things that we do, within his laws in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah, And uppermost is our ablility to say our zikir 24/7, so that we can be close of Allah swt and distance ourselves from the influences of the Iblis, so lets zikirallah 24/7 and we can become close to Him. He did promise that He could be closer to us than our blood in our blood veins … by professing the Alfateha or ZikirAllah over and over again 24/7.

Albiet, vis-a-vis, we also

i) Remember those who had gone before us, our forefathers.

ii) Assist to unify those who are living with us.

iii) To strengthened our children and grandchildren, fortifying their blood with the zikirAllah, so that they can face the future in Iman.

When we remember our forefathers (if they had passed away in Iman) they will remember us, after all we are the Ummah . Allah SWT did promise us that when even we pray alone, and we call the Azan and Qamath, all the Ummah jinns and other Muslims beings even the Angels who is within hearing distance would pray behind us, in congregation, MAkmum.Alfateha holds a million to one interpretations and understandings. But one thing is certain; it is a gift from Allah that encompasses the universe. And it is the same gift; the most valuable that one Muslim can give to another, In life, in sickness, in health and in death. It is with this in mind that we seek the understanding, co-operation and love of every Muslim, to promote this website to assist those who seek our readings of the Alfateha daily, as our gift to our dearest beloved, past present and future, with the hope that the Doa will reach the multitudes of the Ummah, and being blessed with His Ar-Rahman and Ar-rahim. InshaAllah.

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